Your Potential | Spiritual Life Coaching With Ryan Cropper
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Watch our most recent Webinar!

Get our most recent webinar before it's taken off the market! Why? Because it was intended to be an addition to the manifestation mastery course. What's the addition? It's a 7 DAY MANIFESTATION program! Taught over the course of 4 Hours for a select group of clients. And now it's yours. If you want it? 

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Getting access is quick & simple. And once you're in you will gain access to our 7 DAY MANIFESTATION PROGRAM!



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People bought the (B.U.I.L.D A Life Manifestation Program)


People bought the (Trauma Healing Course)


People bought My (10 - Step Astral Projection Method)


People bought the (Emotional Reset Course)


People bought the (Astral Projection Starter Kit)

Renoir Alamain

There's nothing more important to us than investing in the enhancement of our consciousness! With that being said I am so grateful to have Ryan as a teacher who has helped me achieve the skill of astral projection . Even now I am continuing via online affordable sessions with Ryan to learn many other techniques beyond astral travel! :) Enter into the discipline to bring about a radical change in your life ,there is no reason to live under your true potential!

Stuart Markus

I thoroughly enjoy working with Ryan and his unique take on many areas of spirituality and the mind.   His course and meditation on Memory Mastery has reopened much of the 50 plus years of my life that had been hidden away in the “long since forgotten” or inaccessible areas of my memory.   And his Astral Projection course and insider meetings go into great depth on subjects like Lucid Dreaming, additional memory work, thought forms and many more besides his core strength of projection.  


I can’t recommend his work highly enough to either experienced or newly aspiring spiritualists and Astral Travelers .


Software Engineer Melbourne Australia


​They could rest assured knowing that I wouldn't be telling a soul. After some years I became pretty good at listening and offering solid practical advice. Who would've known that I'd become a renowned (spiritual) life coach in the 21st century. Why the spiritual? I'll be honest here, ''Psychic'' was a tough word for me to chew on. And for a while I was sceptical, that was until I drown to death in 2009. During the weeks that followed memories of my past floated to the surface.

​Memories of having out of body experiences as a young child, seeing spirits, and being able to read other peoples minds. It all came flooding back. I'd suppressed these memories due to fear along side the domestic abuse I experienced as a child. Over the years I recovered these memories alongside their respected abilities and then some. And have taught - thanks to the combined effort of YouTube & my coaching carrier, millions of people how to achieve the supernatural, to deal with trauma, as well as mental illness.

Watch as In this VICE feature I pull a memory out of Hanna's head. I then continue to describe said memory to her from her own past perspective. If you are interested in learning telepathy as I did and or similar abilities online, you can do so simply by checking out my top selling courses below. Or, if you'd like to book a spiritual life coaching session with me as early as this week, you can do so by clicking the 'Book a session' button below. You'll also be shown a list of services I provide in relation to spirituality and personal development.

The Day I Died

Changed everything...

eeing me here for the first time? Here's a quick summery about about myself before you move forward. I'm Ryan Cropper, and in retrospect I thought I'd be invisible to the world. As a child I was quiet and kept to myself as abuse will do that to you. But my ''being reserved'' had only made me stand out.​ People came to me with their problems and sort out my advice, because, who else would I tell. To their surprise they often enjoyed my company. 


Watch more...

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of my story in bite sized pieces.



We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on any course, provided you have viewed 60% or less of the content. Additionally, all sessions can be recorded upon request. Payments can be made through PayPal, which also allows you to use your debit or credit card. Please note that students must be 18 years or older to book a session. Cancellations must be made at least 5 days in advance to qualify for a refund. 
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